01 January 2007

No, really--what the hell is this?

I promised a longer-form mission statement before Christmas. But this is going to be short and sweet. There is football to watch.

What I intend to provide here is an analysis of the day's political news. This will make me unique in no way whatsoever; there are hundreds of dead-tree columnists, and thousands upon thousands in the blogosphere, who do the same damn thing. (I reserve the right to link to them from time to time, of course.) But the aim here is to add another log to the pile. If you agree with my conclusions, you get that momentary boost as your opinions are validated. If you don't, steam comes out of your ears as what I have said, regardless of whether you are moved to change your mind. Everybody's happy.

I will try to be fair to all sides here, but it bears saying here that I am a middle-of-the-road liberal--well to the left of, say, Joe Lieberman, but well to the right of the those who would not be happy unless and until the President is put into the stocks and pelted with rotten fruit.

There may be bullet points, or longer-form articles, entirely dependent on the time I have. (Unlike some political bloggers, I have a real job--I'm an attorney in Chicago.) The post will come at the end of the day, after everybody on the planet has had a swing at the pinata. So it will be a highlights show, if you will.

Comments are currently down--I'll open it up to the floor later to see what kind of response there is, if the number of vistors exceeds, say, ten. If nobody reads the thing, we'll shut it down--no point to adding to the discourse if I am just discoursing with myself. The e-mail address can be used at any time, of course.

All right. Lets get on with it.

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